sc7-nametag-firmware/lib/RDV GY-512 Library/

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rdv-gy512 Library

An Arduino library to simplify reading values from the GY-512 gyroscope, accelerometer, and temperature sensor. Shortens code and makes it much more readable. Get raw sensor values or processed data in SI units (m/s^2, degrees, celsius) with simple to use functions!

Available Functions

Here are the available functions and their purposes.

  • sensor_init()
     Initializes device for communication. Absolutely crucial to initialize the device in the void setup() function.

  • get_raw_accel_x()
     Returns acceleration value in the x-axis as measured by the sensor.

  • get_raw_accel_y()
     Returns acceleration value in the y-axis as measured by the sensor.

  • get_raw_accel_z()
     Returns acceleration value in the z-axis as measured by the sensor.

  • get_accel_x()
     Returns acceleration in the x-axis in m/s^2.

  • get_accel_y()
     Returns acceleration in the y-axis in m/s^2.

  • get_accel_z()
     Returns acceleration in the z-axis in m/s^2.

  • get_raw_gyro_x()
     Returns value of rotation in the x-axis as measured by the sensor.

  • get_raw_gyro_y()
     Returns value of rotation in the y-axis as measured by the sensor.

  • get_raw_gyro_z()
     Returns value of rotation in the z-axis as measured by the sensor.

  • get_gyro_x()
     Returns angle of rotation in the x-axis in degrees.

  • get_gyro_y()
     Returns angle of rotation in the y-axis in degrees.

  • get_gyro_z()
     Returns angle of rotation in the z-axis in degrees.

  • get_temperature()
     Returns temperature at the sensor in degrees celsius.