Toaster render fix, faster toasters with preload

This commit is contained in:
true 2023-11-05 16:35:52 -08:00
parent e9cee7a232
commit cbf5148b0f
1 changed files with 63 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -14,12 +14,13 @@ extern "C" {
#include "bmp.h"
static BmpClass bmp;
File fbmp;
#include "btn.h"
const char name[] = "true";
const char name[] = "Your Name";
uint8_t fgprog = 1; // default
uint8_t bgprog = 7; // programs
@ -42,17 +43,47 @@ uint8_t bgprog = 7; // programs
#define LETTER_SPACING 1942 // user-configurable
#define MAX_TOASTERS 9
#define TOAST_RANDOM 9
Arduino_DataBus *bus = new Arduino_RPiPicoSPI(DISP_DC, DISP_NSS, SPI0_SCK, SPI0_MOSI, SPI0_MISO, spi0);
Arduino_GFX *disp = new Arduino_GC9A01(bus, DISP_RESET, 0 /* rotation */, true /* IPS */);
Arduino_Canvas *dout = new Arduino_Canvas(240 /* width */, 240 /* height */, disp);
Arduino_Canvas *drot = new Arduino_Canvas(ROT_SIZE, ROT_SIZE, disp);
Arduino_Canvas *drot = new Arduino_Canvas(ROT_SIZE, ROT_SIZE, NULL);
Arduino_Canvas *d64 = new Arduino_Canvas(64, 64, NULL);
Arduino_Canvas *toastbmp[6] = {
new Arduino_Canvas(64, 64, NULL),
new Arduino_Canvas(64, 64, NULL),
new Arduino_Canvas(64, 64, NULL),
new Arduino_Canvas(64, 64, NULL),
new Arduino_Canvas(64, 64, NULL),
new Arduino_Canvas(64, 64, NULL)
color_hsv hsv = {0, 255, 255};
color_rgb rgb;
uint8_t toast_cb_idx = 0;
static void bmp_cb(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t *bitmap, int16_t w, int16_t h)
uint16_t *src, *dst;
// Serial.printf("Draw pos = %d, %d. size = %d x %d\n", x, y, w, h);
d64->draw16bitRGBBitmap(x, y, bitmap, w, h);
// was having problems printing directly to the toastbmp buffer
// so rendering to temporary one and then copying
src = d64->getFramebuffer();
dst = toastbmp[toast_cb_idx]->getFramebuffer();
for (x = 0; x < (64 * 64); x++) {
*dst++ = *src++; // [(x % 64) + ((x / 64) * ROT_SIZE)];
void setup()
@ -63,10 +94,8 @@ void setup()
if (!disp->begin()) {
Serial.println("failed to start disp");
@ -74,6 +103,9 @@ void setup()
drot->setFont(u8g2_font_cubic11_h_cjk); // u8g2_font_spleen16x32_mr
// buttons
pinMode(SR_CLK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SR_DAT, OUTPUT);
@ -84,6 +116,22 @@ void setup()
// filesystem
// preload toasters
char fn[20];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
// start toast
toastbmp[i] = new Arduino_Canvas(64, 64, NULL);
toastbmp[i]->fillScreen(BLUE); // should not be visible
// select toast file
sprintf(fn, "toast%i.bmp", i);
fbmp =, "r");
toast_cb_idx = i;
bmp.draw(&fbmp, bmp_cb, false /* useBigEndian */, 0 /* x */, 0 /* y */, 64, 64);
int16_t render_drot_printchar(const char *str, uint8_t idx, uint8_t size, uint16_t color)
@ -390,10 +438,6 @@ void bg_radarsweep(int16_t rot, int16_t offset, uint8_t lines)
#define MAX_TOASTERS 5
#define TOAST_RANDOM 9
struct Toasters {
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
@ -408,13 +452,7 @@ uint8_t toaster_count;
uint8_t toaster_frametimer;
static void bmp_cb(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t *bitmap, int16_t w, int16_t h)
// Serial.printf("Draw pos = %d, %d. size = %d x %d\n", x, y, w, h);
drot->draw16bitRGBBitmap(x, y, bitmap, w, h);
void print_toast(char *fn, int16_t out_x, int16_t out_y)
void print_toast(uint8_t idx, int16_t out_x, int16_t out_y)
int16_t x, y;
int16_t nx, ny;
@ -423,25 +461,22 @@ void print_toast(char *fn, int16_t out_x, int16_t out_y)
uint16_t src_pxl;
// framebuffer pointers
src = drot->getFramebuffer();
dst = dout->getFramebuffer();
uint8_t frame = toast[idx].frame;
// load toast file
File fbmp =, "r");
bmp.draw(&fbmp, bmp_cb, false /* useBigEndian */, 0 /* x */, 0 /* y */, 64, 64);
// framebuffer pointers
src = toastbmp[frame]->getFramebuffer();
dst = dout->getFramebuffer();
// copy to destination with transparency
for (y = 0; y < 64; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < 64; x++) {
src_pxl = src[x + (y * ROT_SIZE)];
src_pxl = src[x + (y * 64)];
if (src_pxl != TRANSPARENT_BG) {
nx = x + out_x;
ny = y + out_y;
if ((nx < 0) || (ny < 0)) break;
if ((nx >= 240) || (ny >= 240)) break;
if ((nx < 0) || (ny < 0)) continue;
if ((nx >= 240) || (ny >= 240)) continue;
dst[nx + (ny*240)] = src_pxl;
@ -482,8 +517,6 @@ void bg_toasters()
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TOASTERS; i++) {
char fn[20];
switch (toast[i].type) {
case 0: continue;
case 1: { // normal toast
@ -491,13 +524,11 @@ void bg_toasters()
// toast is toasted
toast[i].type = 0;
} else {
// select toast file
sprintf(fn, "toast%i.bmp", toast[i].frame);
// move toast
toast[i].x -= 3;
toast[i].y += 2;
print_toast(fn, toast[i].x, toast[i].y);
print_toast(i, toast[i].x, toast[i].y);