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2023-11-05 14:43:52 -08:00
* BMP Class
* Rewrite from:
#ifndef _BMPCLASS_H_
#define _BMPCLASS_H_
#include <SD.h>
typedef void(BMP_DRAW_CALLBACK)(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t *bitmap, int16_t w, int16_t h);
class BmpClass
void draw(
File *f, BMP_DRAW_CALLBACK *bmpDrawCallback, bool useBigEndian,
int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t widthLimit, int16_t heightLimit)
_bmpDrawCallback = bmpDrawCallback;
_useBigEndian = useBigEndian;
_heightLimit = heightLimit;
int16_t u, v;
uint32_t xend;
//validate bitmap
if ((bmtype == 19778) && (bmwidth > 0) && (bmheight > 0) && (bmbpp > 0))
//centre image
u = (widthLimit - bmwidth) / 2;
v = (heightLimit - bmheight) / 2;
u = (u < 0) ? x : x + u;
v = (v < 0) ? y : y + v;
xend = (bmwidth > widthLimit) ? widthLimit : bmwidth;
bmpRow = (uint16_t *)malloc(xend * 2);
if (!bmpRow)
Serial.println(F("bmpRow malloc failed."));
if (bmbpp < 9)
bmplt = (uint16_t *)malloc(bmpltsize * 2);
if (!bmplt)
Serial.println(F("bmplt malloc failed."));
bmloadplt(f); //load palette if palettized
drawbmpal(f, u, v, xend);
else if (bmbpp == 16)
// TODO: bpp 16 should have 3 pixel types
drawbmRgb565(f, u, v, xend);
drawbmtrue(f, u, v, xend);
void bmloadplt(File *f)
byte r, g, b;
if (bmpltsize == 0)
bmpltsize = 1 << bmbpp; //load default palette size
f->seek(54); //palette position in type 0x28 bitmaps
for (int16_t i = 0; i < bmpltsize; i++)
b = f->read();
g = f->read();
r = f->read();
f->read(); //dummy byte
bmplt[i] = ((r >> 3) << 11) | ((g >> 2) << 5) | (b >> 3);
void drawbmpal(File *f, int16_t u, int16_t v, uint32_t xend)
byte bmbitmask;
int16_t i, ystart, bmppb, p, d;
int16_t x, y;
uint16_t c;
bmbpl = ((bmbpp * bmwidth + 31) / 32) * 4; //bytes per line
bmppb = 8 / bmbpp; //pixels/byte
bmbitmask = ((1 << bmbpp) - 1); //mask for each pixel
ystart = 0;
if (bmheight > _heightLimit)
ystart = bmheight - _heightLimit; //don't draw if it's outside screen
for (y = ystart; y < bmheight; y++)
{ //invert in calculation (y=0 is bottom)
f->seek(bmdataptr + y * bmbpl); //seek to start of line
x = 0;
p = 0;
while (x < xend)
if (p < 1)
d = f->read();
p = bmppb;
d = d << bmbpp;
c = bmplt[(bmbitmask & (d >> 8))];
bmpRow[x] = (_useBigEndian) ? ((c >> 8) | (c << 8)) : c;
_bmpDrawCallback(u, v + bmheight - 1 - y, bmpRow, xend, 1);
// draw 16-bit colour (RGB565) bitmap
void drawbmRgb565(File *f, int16_t u, int16_t v, uint32_t xend)
int16_t i, ystart;
uint32_t x, y;
byte lo, hi;
bmbpl = ((bmbpp * bmwidth + 31) / 32) * 4; //bytes per line, due to 32bit chunks
ystart = 0;
if (bmheight > _heightLimit)
ystart = bmheight - _heightLimit; //don't draw if it's outside screen
for (y = ystart; y < bmheight; y++)
{ //invert in calculation (y=0 is bottom)
f->seek(bmdataptr + (y * bmbpl)); //seek at start of line
for (x = 0; x < xend; x++)
lo = f->read();
hi = f->read();
if (_useBigEndian)
bmpRow[x] = hi | lo << 8;
bmpRow[x] = lo | hi << 8;
_bmpDrawCallback(u, v + bmheight - 1 - y, bmpRow, xend, 1);
// draw true colour bitmap at (u,v) handles 24/32 not 16bpp yet
void drawbmtrue(File *f, int16_t u, int16_t v, uint32_t xend)
int16_t i, ystart;
uint32_t x, y;
byte r, g, b;
bmbpl = ((bmbpp * bmwidth + 31) / 32) * 4; //bytes per line, due to 32bit chunks
ystart = 0;
if (bmheight > _heightLimit)
ystart = bmheight - _heightLimit; //don't draw if it's outside screen
for (y = ystart; y < bmheight; y++)
{ //invert in calculation (y=0 is bottom)
f->seek(bmdataptr + y * bmbpl); //seek at start of line
for (x = 0; x < xend; x++)
b = f->read();
g = f->read();
r = f->read();
if (bmbpp == 32)
f->read(); //dummy byte for 32bit
bmpRow[x] = (_useBigEndian) ? ((r & 0xf8) | (g >> 5) | ((g & 0x1c) << 11) | ((b & 0xf8) << 5)) : (((r & 0xf8) << 8) | ((g & 0xfc) << 3) | (b >> 3));
_bmpDrawCallback(u, v + bmheight - 1 - y, bmpRow, xend, 1);
void getbmpparms(File *f)
{ //load into globals as ints-some parameters are 32 bit, but we can't handle this size anyway
byte h[48]; //header is 54 bytes typically, but we don't need it all
int16_t i;
f->seek(0); //set start of file
for (i = 0; i < 48; i++)
h[i] = f->read(); //read header
bmtype = h[0] + (h[1] << 8); //offset 0 'BM'
bmdataptr = h[10] + (h[11] << 8); //offset 0xA pointer to image data
bmhdrsize = h[14] + (h[15] << 8); //dib header size (0x28 is usual)
//files may vary here, if !=28, unsupported type, put default values
bmwidth = 0;
bmheight = 0;
bmbpp = 0;
bmpltsize = 0;
if ((bmhdrsize == 0x28) || (bmhdrsize == 0x38))
bmwidth = h[18] + (h[19] << 8); //width
bmheight = h[22] + (h[23] << 8); //height
bmbpp = h[28] + (h[29] << 8); //bits per pixel
bmpltsize = h[46] + (h[47] << 8); //palette size
// Serial.printf("bmtype: %d, bmhdrsize: %d, bmwidth: %d, bmheight: %d, bmbpp: %d\n", bmtype, bmhdrsize, bmwidth, bmheight, bmbpp);
byte isbmp(char n[])
{ //check if bmp extension
int16_t k;
k = strlen(n);
if (k < 5)
return 0; //name not long enough
if (n[k - 1] != 'P')
return 0;
if (n[k - 2] != 'M')
return 0;
if (n[k - 3] != 'B')
return 0;
if (n[k - 4] != '.')
return 0;
return 1; //passes all tests
BMP_DRAW_CALLBACK *_bmpDrawCallback;
bool _useBigEndian;
int16_t _heightLimit;
uint16_t bmtype, bmdataptr; //from header
uint32_t bmhdrsize, bmwidth, bmheight, bmbpp, bmpltsize; //from DIB Header
uint16_t bmbpl; //bytes per line- derived
uint16_t *bmplt; //palette- stored encoded for LCD
uint16_t *bmpRow;
#endif // _BMPCLASS_H_