
125 lines
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import rp2
## Define I2S PIO machines
## 16-bit slots, data
## read on falling edge of bit clock
@rp2.asm_pio(sideset_init=[rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW]*2, fifo_join=rp2.PIO.JOIN_RX)
## bitclock and LR clock on the sidesets, respectively
def i2s_read_pio():
nop()[3] ## delay to sync up with write PIO -- empirically determined
set(y,14) .side(0b00)[1] ## send 32 bits per LR read
in_(pins, 1) .side(0b01)[1] ## Left, bits
jmp(y_dec, "L") .side(0b00)[1]
in_(pins, 1) .side(0b11)[1]
set(y,14) .side(0b10)[1]
in_(pins,1) .side(0b11)[1] ## right, bits
jmp(y_dec, "R") .side(0b10)[1]
in_(pins,1) .side(0b01)
push(noblock) ## noblock keeps PIOs in sync
## 10
@rp2.asm_pio(out_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, fifo_join=rp2.PIO.JOIN_TX)
## runs lockstep with read pio, spits out data when it's got it, zeros otherwise
def i2s_write_pio():
pull(noblock) ## noblock keeps PIOs in sync
set(y,14) ## send 16 bits per LR clock
out(pins,1) [1] ## Left, bits
jmp(y_dec, "L") [1]
out(pins,1) [1]
set(y,14) [1]
out(pins,1) [1]
jmp(y_dec, "R") [1]
out(pins,1) [1]
## 19
@rp2.asm_pio(in_shiftdir=1, out_shiftdir=1)
def bit_flipper_pio():
## takes in two 16-bit as signed/unsigned integers
## converts them by flipping MSBit of each 16-bitter
## tailored for reading X/Y channel from DAC and fitting
## the result on the (unsigned 8bit) screen
in_(osr, 15) ## copy 15 LSB unchanged to output
out(null, 15) ## discard 15 bits from OSR to keep pace
mov(osr, invert(osr)) ## inverted what's left
in_(osr, 1) ## copy out one inverted bit
out(null, 1) ## drop that bit from OSR
mov(osr, invert(osr)) ## reinvert for the next word
jmp(y_dec, "twice")
## 29
## Pixel Pusher: Handle Screen Command
## Takes commands and data
## sends it to the screen pretty fast
## Format:
# 0 2A 0 X
# 0 2B 0 Y
# 0 2C C1 C2
## Screen expects 2A 0 X 0 X 2B 0 Y 0 Y 2C C1 C2
## with the commands framed by the DC line going low
## This PIO ignores the first byte,
## transmits the second, framed by DC,
## then doubles the second pair
## This means it actually transmits C1 C2 C1 C2, but
## the screen doesn't seem to care (hack, hack!)
@rp2.asm_pio(out_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, set_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_HIGH,
sideset_init=rp2.PIO.OUT_LOW, autopull=True, autopush=True)
def handle_screen_command():
out(null, 8).side(0) ## drop initial zeros
set(pins, 0).side(0) ## DC set low, CMD mode
set(y,7).side(0) ## send 8 command bits
out(pins, 1).side(0)
jmp(y_dec, "send_cmd").side(1)
set(pins, 1).side(0) ## DC set high, data mode
mov(x, osr).side(0) ## copy next bytes over, b/c going to send them twice
mov(osr, x).side(0) ## copy next bytes over, b/c going to send them twice
set(y,15).side(0) ## send 0, X
out(pins, 1).side(0)
jmp(y_dec, "one_time").side(1)
mov(osr,x).side(0) ## copy bytes back
set(y,15).side(0) ## re-send 0, X
out(pins, 1).side(0)
jmp(y_dec, "one_more_time").side(1)
# 16