# list of things to launch from vectoros # dictionary of tags to imports (will look for .vos_main() or .main() here) launch_list={ "menu": "supercon_menu", 'sketch': 'sketch', "demo": "examples", "planets":"planets", "lissajous":"lissajous"} # list what you want to start auto (maybe just one thing?) need tag auto_launch_list=["menu"] vectorscope_slots={"slotA": "A", "slotB": "B", "slotC": "C", "slotD": "D"} auto_launch_repl=False # to get out: import sys followed by sys.exit() key_scan_rate = 100 # how often to scan the keyboard globally (ms; 0 to do it yourself) # how often to garbage collect # if you set this to zero and do nothing else # garbage collection will be automatic as usual and before new tasks launch gc_thread_rate = 5000 # Base rate for the timer (ms) timer_base_rate=100 # Debug level (messages must be < this level to print) # That is, at level 0 only level 0 messages print # at level 1 then level 1 and level 0 messages print # Set level to -1 to stop all messages (assuming you only call debug_print with positive values) # if you want to use symbols for debug level, these are defined in vos_debug: DEBUG_LEVEL_SILENT=-1 DEBUG_LEVEL_SEVERE=0 DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR=10 DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING=20 DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO=30 debug_level=DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO if __name__=="__main__": import vectoros vectoros.run()