import aiorepl import asyncio import keyboardio import screennorm import timer from vos_launch import launch_list, auto_launch_list, auto_launch_repl, key_scan_rate, gc_thread_rate, timer_base_rate, vectorscope_slots from vos_state import vos_state import gc from machine import RTC from machine import reset as m_reset, soft_reset as m_soft_reset import vos_debug from vectorscope import Vectorscope _VERSION=20231001 _screen=screennorm.ScreenNorm() async def _sleeper(): """ Asynchronous function to sleep forever. This function runs a loop that sleeps for 2 seconds and then collects garbage. """ while True: await asyncio.sleep(2) if vos_state.gc_suspend==False: gc.collect() def reset(): m_reset() def soft_reset(): m_soft_reset() def sleep_forever(): """ Function to let non async function wait forever. """ async def _delayer(n): """ Asynchronous function to delay for n seconds. Args: n (int): The number of milliseconds to delay. """ await asyncio.sleep_ms(n) def sleep(n): """ Function to delay for n seconds. Args: n (int): The number of milliseconds to delay. """ vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING,"sleep called which uses") def get_screen(): """ Function to get the one screen object. Returns: ScreenNorm: The screen object. """ global _screen return _screen async def launch_repl(): """ Asynchronous function to start a repl. """ vos_state.task_dict['$repl']=asyncio.create_task(aiorepl.task()) async def launch(task_tag): """ Asynchronous function to launch a program by its tag. Args: task_tag (str): The tag of the program to launch. Returns: Task: The created task. """ if vos_state.gc_suspend==False: gc.collect() vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,f"launching {task_tag}") mod=__import__(launch_list[task_tag]) try: fn=getattr(mod,'vos_main') except Exception: vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_WARNING,f"launch could not find vos_main for {task_tag}. Trying main()") fn=getattr(mod,'main') try: await fn() except TypeError: pass def launch_task(task_tag): """ Function to create async task to launch. Args: task_tag (str): The tag of the program to launch. Returns: Task: The created task. """ vos_state.task_dict[task_tag]=asyncio.create_task(launch(task_tag)) async def launch_vecslot(slot): import vectorscope get_screen().idle() gc.collect() vos_state.gc_suspend=True vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,f"Launching slot {slot}:{vectorscope_slots[slot]}") mod=__import__(vectorscope_slots[slot]) fn=getattr(mod,'slot_main') v = Vectorscope(screen_running = True) try: vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,"launching") await fn(v) except TypeError: pass except Exception as e: print("launch exception",e) finally: vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,"Slot done, reboot!") # await asyncio.sleep(5) reset() def remove_task(t): """ Function to remove a task. Note that this does not stop the task, just takes it out of the list Args: t (str): The tag of the task to remove. """ try: vos_state.task_dict.pop(t) except Exception: pass _gc_exit=False async def _gc_thread(ms): """ Asynchronous function for optional thread to garbage collect occasionally. Args: ms (int): The number of milliseconds to sleep between garbage collections. """ global _gc_exit while _gc_exit==False: await asyncio.sleep_ms(ms) if vos_state.gc_suspend: continue vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,"Garbage collection starting") gc.collect() gc.threshold(gc.mem_free() // 4 + gc.mem_alloc()) vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,"Garbage collection thread exit") def vectoros_active(): """ Function to test if we are active. Returns: bool: True if active, False otherwise. """ return _vectoros_runafter=None def set_global_exception(): """ Function to catch exceptions. """ def handle_exception(loop,context): import sys if context["exception"].args[0]=="__vectoros-exit__": vos_state.run_after=context["exception"].args[1] else: sys.print_exception(context["exception"]) sys.exit() loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.set_exception_handler(handle_exception) async def vectoros_startup(autolaunch=True): """ Function to start services (called by main) Args: autolaunch (bool): True to launch autostart programs (default) """ global _VERSION vos_state.version=_VERSION vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,f"VectorOS {_VERSION} starting",RTC().datetime()) # honor gc thread request if gc_thread_rate!=0: gc.disable() vos_state.task_dict['$gc']=asyncio.create_task(_gc_thread(gc_thread_rate)) # spin up system-level keyboard polling (see keyboardcb and joystick) if key_scan_rate!=0: vos_state.task_dict['$key'] # spin up timer infrastructure if timer_base_rate!=0: vos_state.task_dict['$timer'] # at this point, we consider ourselves running # launch repl if requested if autolaunch: if (auto_launch_repl): await launch_repl() # run auto launch stuff from vos_launch for t in auto_launch_list: vos_state.task_dict[t]=asyncio.create_task(launch(t)) vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,"VectorOS started",RTC().datetime()) # shut down our service (but not apps) def vectoros_shutdown(deactivate=True): """ Function to shut down vectoros services """ global _screen, _gc_exit vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,"VectorOS shutting down",RTC().datetime()) _screen.idle() _screen=None keyboardio.KeyboardIO.cancel() del vos_state.task_dict['$key'] timer.Timer.cancel() del vos_state.task_dict['$timer'] _gc_exit=True # vos_state.task_dict['$gc'].cancel() del vos_state.task_dict['$gc'] for x in vos_state.task_dict: vos_state.task_dict[x].cancel() if (deactivate): asyncio.get_event_loop().set_exception_handler(None) gc.collect() vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,"VectorOS shut down",RTC().datetime()) def ext_run(cmd): """ Function to exit VectorOS and run a program """ gc.collect() vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,f"external run {cmd}") raise Exception("__vectoros-exit__",cmd) # get all set up async def main(): """ Asynchronous main function to set up the system. This function sets up exception handling, starts the garbage collection thread, keyboard polling, and timer infrastructure, launches the repl if requested, imports modules from vos_launch, and runs auto launch stuff from vos_launch. """ # catch any strange exceptions set_global_exception() await vectoros_startup() await _sleeper() # This is the main entry point that starts everything def run(): """ Function to run the main function. This function runs the main function and resets the event loop. """ global _vectoros_runafter, _vectoros_runaftermod cmd=None while True: try: # do not create tasks before this point! except SystemExit as se: break # catch sys.exit except Exception as e: print(e) # shouldn't really run print(hasattr(e,'arg')) if hasattr(e,'arg'): if e.arg[0]=='__vectoros-exit__': _vectoros_runafter=e.args[1] else: print(e) else: print(e) # This code launches a program after vectoros shutdown # The "single core" method works more reliably but if it is # in the second core causes stack errors (vos_state._xthreading==0) # The vos_state._xthreading==1 case works for multicore but # requrires a small server on the main core #This mostly works in single core mode finally: if vos_state._xthreading==0: # single core mode if vos_state.run_after != None: # as we exit, set up any pending command cmd=vos_state.run_after vos_state.run_after=None else: vos_debug.debug_print(vos_debug.DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO,"reset event loop") asyncio.new_event_loop() if cmd!=None: vectoros_shutdown() vos_state.gc_suspend=True asyncio.sleep_ms(250) # hope the gc thread dies if it hasn't already import sys del sys.modules['screennorm'] del sys.modules['aiorepl'] del sys.modules['romans'] del sys.modules['vga1_16x32'] gc.collect() exec(cmd) else: # multicore mode (requires start w/ if vos_state.run_after != None: # as we exit, set up any pending command print("core 1 passing back to zero") import sys del sys.modules['screennorm'] del sys.modules['aiorepl'] del sys.modules['romans'] del sys.modules['vga1_16x32'] del sys.modules['keyboardio'] del sys.modules['timer'] vos_state.gc_suspend=True asyncio.sleep_ms(250) # hope the gc thread dies if it hasn't already gc.collect() vectoros_shutdown(False) gc.collect() else: print("Resetting event loop") asyncio.new_event_loop() if vos_state._xthreading==1: gc.collect() else: pass if __name__=="__main__": run()