import screennorm import keyboardcb import keyleds import joystick import asyncio import gc9a01 import vectoros import vos_debug screen=vectoros.get_screen() BACK=-1 EXIT=1 CONT=0 SUBMENU=[] def m_back(arg): return BACK def m_exit(arg): return EXIT class Menu: """ A class that manages a menu. Attributes: fg (int): The foreground color. bg (int): The background color. clear_after (bool): A flag to indicate if the menu should be cleared after exit. joycontroller (Joystick): The joystick controller. scanrate (int): The scan rate. cursor (int): The position of the screen cursor. dispmenu (int): The top line of the display. current (list): The current menu string. level (int): The current level in the submenus. stack (list): The stack of how we got here. clear_after (bool): A flag to indicate if the menu should be cleared after exit. fg (int): The foreground color. bg (int): The background color. update_callback (function): A function to call to update the menu in real time. """ def __init__(self, fg_color=gc9a01.color565(45, 217, 80), bg_color=gc9a01.color565(0, 0, 0),cursor_fg=gc9a01.color565(120,247,180), cursor_bg=None,clear_after=False, joy_controller=None, scan_rate=0): """ The constructor for Menu class. Args: fg_color (int): The foreground color. Default is gc9a01.color565(243,191,16). bg_color (int): The background color. Default is gc9a01.color565(26,26,26). clear_after (bool): A flag to indicate if the menu should be cleared after exit. Default is False. joycontroller (Joystick): The joystick controller. Default is None. scanrate (int): The scan rate. Default is 0. """ if joy_controller != None: self._extjoy=True else: self._extjoy=False if scan_rate!=0: self.cursor=0 self.dispmenu=0 self.current=[] self.level=0 self.stack=[] self.clear_after=clear_after self.fg=fg_color if cursor_fg==None: else: self.cfg=cursor_fg if cursor_bg==None: self.cbg=self.fg else: self.cbg=cursor_bg self.update_callback=None self.font=None self.scale=1 def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self,exc_type,exc_val,exc_tb): if!=None: def detach(self): """ Method to detach the joystick from the menu. Returns: Task: The created task. """ def set_font(self,font,scale=1.0): """ Method to set a font and scale factor. Default: use default font (set to None) "*": use default vector font (romans) Or you can load a vector font and pass it Args: font (font or string or None): See above scale (float): Text scale (defaults to 1.0) """ if font=="*": self.font=screen.get_vfont() else: self.font=font self.scale=scale async def menu_custom(self): """ Method you can override to customize the menu in real time Or, if you don't want to subclass, you can use set_callback and the default will call that """ if self.update_callback!=None: try: await self.update_callback(self) except TypeError: pass def set_callback(self,func): """ Method to set a callback function. Args: func (function): The function to set as the callback. """ self.update_callback=func async def menu_update(self): """ Method to update the menu with cursor, scrolling, etc. This method updates the menu based on the current state of the cursor and calls the custom update function if it is set. """ screen.clear( await self.menu_custom() for i in range(0,min(4,len(self.current))): if i==self.cursor: xfg=self.cfg xbg=self.cbg else: xfg=self.fg # screen.tft.fill_rect(24,40*(i+1),195,40,xbg) if self.font==None: screen.text(24,40*(i+1),self.current[self.dispmenu+i][0],xfg,xbg) else: screen.text_font(self.font,24,40*(i+1)+20,self.current[self.dispmenu+i][0],xfg,self.scale) # the controller callback for the keyboard # all the real work happens here async def _menu_control(self,key): """ Method to handle joystick events. This method updates the menu based on the joystick event. It can move the cursor, select a menu item, go to a submenu, or exit the menu. Args: key (int): The keycode of the joystick event. """ rv=0 if self.level<=0: return # no menu if key==keyleds.JOY_UP: if self.cursor>0: self.cursor=self.cursor-1 else: if self.dispmenu>0: self.dispmenu=self.dispmenu-1 await self.menu_update() if key==keyleds.JOY_DN: if self.cursor=0: await asyncio.sleep(0) if self.clear_after: screen.clear() if (self._extjoy):