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2023-11-03 09:47:33 -07:00
from uctypes import addressof
import array
import rp2
import time
import machine
import dma_defs
import pio_defs
# read_debug = machine.Pin(26, machine.Pin.OUT)
num_frames = const(16)
num_samples_per_frame = const(1024)
bytes_per_sample = const(4)
audio_data_length = const(num_frames * num_samples_per_frame * bytes_per_sample)
class ADC_Reader():
def __init__(self):
self.num_samples_per_frame = num_samples_per_frame
## Setup storage for frames of samples
self.audio_data = bytearray(audio_data_length)
## and the individual frames start here
self.frame_starts = array.array("L", [addressof(self.audio_data) + i*num_samples_per_frame*bytes_per_sample for i in range(num_frames)])
self.current_frame = 0
## finish up init
def init(self):
def deinit(self):
"""unwind all of the above"""
self.audio_read_control.ctrl = 0
time.sleep_ms(10) ## (@_@) replace with asyncio when necessary
self.audio_read_transfer.ctrl = 0
time.sleep_ms(10) ## (@_@) replace with asyncio when necessary
def pause(self):
self.audio_read_transfer.ctrl &= ~(1) ## mask enable bit
self.audio_read_control.ctrl &= ~(1) ## mask enable bit
def resume(self):
self.audio_read_control.ctrl |= 1 ## set enable bit
self.audio_read_transfer.ctrl |= 1 ## set enable bit
def audio_read_frame_interrupt(self, calling_dma):
"""fires off once per frame, in parallel with audio_read_control"""
# read_debug.high()
self.current_frame = (int(self.current_frame)+1) & 0x0F
## setup frames/colors and trigger pixel pusher here
## want it to go through one cycle -- 15 frames at 15 colors.
# read_debug.low()
def config_dmas(self):
self.audio_read_transfer = rp2.DMA()
self.audio_read_control = rp2.DMA()
self.audio_read_transfer.ctrl = self.audio_read_transfer.pack_ctrl(default = 0,
size = dma_defs.SIZE_4BYTES,
enable = 1,
treq_sel = dma_defs.DREQ_PIO0_RX0,
inc_write = 1,
chain_to = self.audio_read_control.channel_id
self.audio_read_transfer.config(count = num_samples_per_frame,
read = pio_defs.PIO0_BASE + pio_defs.RXF0_OFFSET)
self.audio_read_transfer.irq(handler = self.audio_read_frame_interrupt)
# manual trigger
# self.audio_read_transfer.config(write = audio_data, trigger=True)
self.audio_read_control.ctrl = self.audio_read_control.pack_ctrl(default = 0,
size = dma_defs.SIZE_4BYTES,
enable = 1,
treq_sel = dma_defs.TREQ_PERMANENT,
IRQ_quiet = 1,
chain_to = self.audio_read_transfer.channel_id,
inc_read = 1,
ring_size = 6) ## 16 addresses * 4 bytes
## feed write addresses of each frame start when done with a frame
self.audio_read_control.config(write = addressof(self.audio_read_transfer.registers[1:]),
read = self.frame_lookup_address,
count = 1,
trigger = True)
def align_frame_lookup_address(self):
## Need to align this for DMA to enable ring looping over frame starts.
## each address is 4 bytes, need 16 of them: 2+4 = 6 bits clear -- align to nearest 0b11000000 = C0
## with 64 bytes to be stored, need 128 to guarantee clear (2x num_frames * 4 bytes)
## Make an aligned lookup table for DMA porpoises
self.frame_lookup = bytearray(num_frames * 4 * 2)
self.frame_lookup_address = addressof(self.frame_lookup)
## spool forward to nearest /64 block : frame_lookup_address is now ready to use
while self.frame_lookup_address != self.frame_lookup_address & (0xFFFFFFC0):
self.frame_lookup_address = self.frame_lookup_address + 1
## copy frame starts over into lookup LSB first
## could probably do this with struct.pack()?
tempaddress = self.frame_lookup_address
for f in self.frame_starts:
machine.mem8[tempaddress] = f & 0xFF
machine.mem8[tempaddress+1] = (f & 0xFF00) >> 8
machine.mem8[tempaddress+2] = (f & 0xFF0000) >> 16
machine.mem8[tempaddress+3] = (f & 0xFF000000) >> 24
tempaddress = tempaddress + 4
## Residual useful debugging stuff
def debug_print_frames(self,n):
for j in range(16):
print(f'############## {j} ################')
for i in range(n):
def dma_frame_diagnostics(self):
current_write_addr = self.audio_read_transfer.write
current_frame_pointer =
current_frame = (current_frame_pointer - self.frame_lookup_address) // 4
current_frame_start_addr = machine.mem32[current_frame_pointer]
print("Address of frame start pointer")
print("Address of frame start")
print(f"Frame number: {current_frame}")
print("Address of current datapoint")