/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT ******************************* * File Name : ch32v00x_dma.c * Author : WCH * Version : V1.0.0 * Date : 2022/08/08 * Description : This file provides all the DMA firmware functions. ********************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd. * Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for * microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include /* DMA1 Channelx interrupt pending bit masks */ #define DMA1_Channel1_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_GIF1 | DMA_TCIF1 | DMA_HTIF1 | DMA_TEIF1)) #define DMA1_Channel2_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_GIF2 | DMA_TCIF2 | DMA_HTIF2 | DMA_TEIF2)) #define DMA1_Channel3_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_GIF3 | DMA_TCIF3 | DMA_HTIF3 | DMA_TEIF3)) #define DMA1_Channel4_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_GIF4 | DMA_TCIF4 | DMA_HTIF4 | DMA_TEIF4)) #define DMA1_Channel5_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_GIF5 | DMA_TCIF5 | DMA_HTIF5 | DMA_TEIF5)) #define DMA1_Channel6_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_GIF6 | DMA_TCIF6 | DMA_HTIF6 | DMA_TEIF6)) #define DMA1_Channel7_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_GIF7 | DMA_TCIF7 | DMA_HTIF7 | DMA_TEIF7)) /* DMA2 FLAG mask */ #define FLAG_Mask ((uint32_t)0x10000000) /* DMA registers Masks */ #define CFGR_CLEAR_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFF800F) /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_DeInit * * @brief Deinitializes the DMAy Channelx registers to their default * reset values. * * @param DMAy_Channelx - here y can be 1 to select the DMA and x can be * 1 to 7 for DMA1 to select the DMA Channel. * * @return none */ void DMA_DeInit(DMA_Channel_TypeDef *DMAy_Channelx) { DMAy_Channelx->CFGR &= (uint16_t)(~DMA_CFGR1_EN); DMAy_Channelx->CFGR = 0; DMAy_Channelx->CNTR = 0; DMAy_Channelx->PADDR = 0; DMAy_Channelx->MADDR = 0; if(DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel1) { DMA1->INTFCR |= DMA1_Channel1_IT_Mask; } else if(DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel2) { DMA1->INTFCR |= DMA1_Channel2_IT_Mask; } else if(DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel3) { DMA1->INTFCR |= DMA1_Channel3_IT_Mask; } else if(DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel4) { DMA1->INTFCR |= DMA1_Channel4_IT_Mask; } else if(DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel5) { DMA1->INTFCR |= DMA1_Channel5_IT_Mask; } else if(DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel6) { DMA1->INTFCR |= DMA1_Channel6_IT_Mask; } else if(DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel7) { DMA1->INTFCR |= DMA1_Channel7_IT_Mask; } } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_Init * * @brief Initializes the DMAy Channelx according to the specified * parameters in the DMA_InitStruct. * * @param DMAy_Channelx - here y can be 1 to select the DMA and x can be * 1 to 7 for DMA1 to select the DMA Channel. * DMA_InitStruct - pointer to a DMA_InitTypeDef structure that contains * contains the configuration information for the specified DMA Channel. * * @return none */ void DMA_Init(DMA_Channel_TypeDef *DMAy_Channelx, DMA_InitTypeDef *DMA_InitStruct) { uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = DMAy_Channelx->CFGR; tmpreg &= CFGR_CLEAR_Mask; tmpreg |= DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DIR | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Mode | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralInc | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryInc | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralDataSize | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryDataSize | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Priority | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_M2M; DMAy_Channelx->CFGR = tmpreg; DMAy_Channelx->CNTR = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_BufferSize; DMAy_Channelx->PADDR = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr; DMAy_Channelx->MADDR = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryBaseAddr; } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_StructInit * * @brief Fills each DMA_InitStruct member with its default value. * * @param DMAy_Channelx - here y can be 1 to select the DMA and x can be * 1 to 7 for DMA1 to select the DMA Channel. * DMA_InitStruct - pointer to a DMA_InitTypeDef structure that contains * contains the configuration information for the specified DMA Channel. * * @return none */ void DMA_StructInit(DMA_InitTypeDef *DMA_InitStruct) { DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = 0; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = 0; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralSRC; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_BufferSize = 0; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Disable; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_PeripheralDataSize_Byte; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_Low; DMA_InitStruct->DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable; } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_Cmd * * @brief Enables or disables the specified DMAy Channelx. * * @param DMAy_Channelx - here y can be 1 to select the DMA and x can be * 1 to 7 for DMA1 to select the DMA Channel. * NewState - new state of the DMAy Channelx(ENABLE or DISABLE). * * @return none */ void DMA_Cmd(DMA_Channel_TypeDef *DMAy_Channelx, FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState != DISABLE) { DMAy_Channelx->CFGR |= DMA_CFGR1_EN; } else { DMAy_Channelx->CFGR &= (uint16_t)(~DMA_CFGR1_EN); } } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_ITConfig * * @brief Enables or disables the specified DMAy Channelx interrupts. * * @param DMAy_Channelx - here y can be 1 to select the DMA and x can be * 1 to 7 for DMA1 to select the DMA Channel. * DMA_IT - specifies the DMA interrupts sources to be enabled * or disabled. * DMA_IT_TC - Transfer complete interrupt mask * DMA_IT_HT - Half transfer interrupt mask * DMA_IT_TE - Transfer error interrupt mask * NewState - new state of the DMAy Channelx(ENABLE or DISABLE). * * @return none */ void DMA_ITConfig(DMA_Channel_TypeDef *DMAy_Channelx, uint32_t DMA_IT, FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState != DISABLE) { DMAy_Channelx->CFGR |= DMA_IT; } else { DMAy_Channelx->CFGR &= ~DMA_IT; } } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_SetCurrDataCounter * * @brief Sets the number of data units in the current DMAy Channelx transfer. * * @param DMAy_Channelx - here y can be 1 to select the DMA and x can be * 1 to 7 for DMA1 to select the DMA Channel. * DataNumber - The number of data units in the current DMAy Channelx * transfer. * * @return none */ void DMA_SetCurrDataCounter(DMA_Channel_TypeDef *DMAy_Channelx, uint16_t DataNumber) { DMAy_Channelx->CNTR = DataNumber; } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_GetCurrDataCounter * * @brief Returns the number of remaining data units in the current * DMAy Channelx transfer. * * @param DMAy_Channelx - here y can be 1 to select the DMA and x can be * 1 to 7 for DMA1 to select the DMA Channel. * * @return DataNumber - The number of remaining data units in the current * DMAy Channelx transfer. */ uint16_t DMA_GetCurrDataCounter(DMA_Channel_TypeDef *DMAy_Channelx) { return ((uint16_t)(DMAy_Channelx->CNTR)); } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_GetFlagStatus * * @brief Checks whether the specified DMAy Channelx flag is set or not. * * @param DMAy_FLAG - specifies the flag to check. * DMA1_FLAG_GL1 - DMA1 Channel1 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC1 - DMA1 Channel1 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT1 - DMA1 Channel1 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE1 - DMA1 Channel1 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL2 - DMA1 Channel2 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC2 - DMA1 Channel2 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT2 - DMA1 Channel2 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE2 - DMA1 Channel2 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL3 - DMA1 Channel3 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC3 - DMA1 Channel3 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT3 - DMA1 Channel3 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE3 - DMA1 Channel3 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL4 - DMA1 Channel4 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC4 - DMA1 Channel4 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT4 - DMA1 Channel4 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE4 - DMA1 Channel4 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL5 - DMA1 Channel5 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC5 - DMA1 Channel5 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT5 - DMA1 Channel5 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE5 - DMA1 Channel5 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL6 - DMA1 Channel6 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC6 - DMA1 Channel6 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT6 - DMA1 Channel6 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE6 - DMA1 Channel6 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL7 - DMA1 Channel7 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC7 - DMA1 Channel7 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT7 - DMA1 Channel7 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE7 - DMA1 Channel7 transfer error flag. * * @return The new state of DMAy_FLAG (SET or RESET). */ FlagStatus DMA_GetFlagStatus(uint32_t DMAy_FLAG) { FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET; uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = DMA1->INTFR; if((tmpreg & DMAy_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } return bitstatus; } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_ClearFlag * * @brief Clears the DMAy Channelx's pending flags. * * @param DMAy_FLAG - specifies the flag to check. * DMA1_FLAG_GL1 - DMA1 Channel1 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC1 - DMA1 Channel1 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT1 - DMA1 Channel1 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE1 - DMA1 Channel1 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL2 - DMA1 Channel2 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC2 - DMA1 Channel2 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT2 - DMA1 Channel2 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE2 - DMA1 Channel2 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL3 - DMA1 Channel3 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC3 - DMA1 Channel3 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT3 - DMA1 Channel3 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE3 - DMA1 Channel3 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL4 - DMA1 Channel4 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC4 - DMA1 Channel4 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT4 - DMA1 Channel4 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE4 - DMA1 Channel4 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL5 - DMA1 Channel5 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC5 - DMA1 Channel5 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT5 - DMA1 Channel5 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE5 - DMA1 Channel5 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL6 - DMA1 Channel6 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC6 - DMA1 Channel6 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT6 - DMA1 Channel6 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE6 - DMA1 Channel6 transfer error flag. * DMA1_FLAG_GL7 - DMA1 Channel7 global flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TC7 - DMA1 Channel7 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_FLAG_HT7 - DMA1 Channel7 half transfer flag. * DMA1_FLAG_TE7 - DMA1 Channel7 transfer error flag. * * @return none */ void DMA_ClearFlag(uint32_t DMAy_FLAG) { DMA1->INTFCR = DMAy_FLAG; } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_GetITStatus * * @brief Checks whether the specified DMAy Channelx interrupt has * occurred or not. * * @param DMAy_IT - specifies the DMAy interrupt source to check. * DMA1_IT_GL1 - DMA1 Channel1 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC1 - DMA1 Channel1 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT1 - DMA1 Channel1 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE1 - DMA1 Channel1 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL2 - DMA1 Channel2 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC2 - DMA1 Channel2 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT2 - DMA1 Channel2 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE2 - DMA1 Channel2 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL3 - DMA1 Channel3 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC3 - DMA1 Channel3 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT3 - DMA1 Channel3 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE3 - DMA1 Channel3 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL4 - DMA1 Channel4 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC4 - DMA1 Channel4 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT4 - DMA1 Channel4 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE4 - DMA1 Channel4 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL5 - DMA1 Channel5 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC5 - DMA1 Channel5 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT5 - DMA1 Channel5 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE5 - DMA1 Channel5 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL6 - DMA1 Channel6 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC6 - DMA1 Channel6 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT6 - DMA1 Channel6 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE6 - DMA1 Channel6 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL7 - DMA1 Channel7 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC7 - DMA1 Channel7 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT7 - DMA1 Channel7 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE7 - DMA1 Channel7 transfer error flag. * * @return The new state of DMAy_IT (SET or RESET). */ ITStatus DMA_GetITStatus(uint32_t DMAy_IT) { ITStatus bitstatus = RESET; uint32_t tmpreg = 0; tmpreg = DMA1->INTFR; if((tmpreg & DMAy_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET) { bitstatus = SET; } else { bitstatus = RESET; } return bitstatus; } /********************************************************************* * @fn DMA_ClearITPendingBit * * @brief Clears the DMAy Channelx's interrupt pending bits. * * @param DMAy_IT - specifies the DMAy interrupt source to check. * DMA1_IT_GL1 - DMA1 Channel1 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC1 - DMA1 Channel1 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT1 - DMA1 Channel1 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE1 - DMA1 Channel1 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL2 - DMA1 Channel2 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC2 - DMA1 Channel2 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT2 - DMA1 Channel2 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE2 - DMA1 Channel2 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL3 - DMA1 Channel3 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC3 - DMA1 Channel3 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT3 - DMA1 Channel3 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE3 - DMA1 Channel3 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL4 - DMA1 Channel4 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC4 - DMA1 Channel4 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT4 - DMA1 Channel4 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE4 - DMA1 Channel4 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL5 - DMA1 Channel5 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC5 - DMA1 Channel5 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT5 - DMA1 Channel5 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE5 - DMA1 Channel5 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL6 - DMA1 Channel6 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC6 - DMA1 Channel6 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT6 - DMA1 Channel6 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE6 - DMA1 Channel6 transfer error flag. * DMA1_IT_GL7 - DMA1 Channel7 global flag. * DMA1_IT_TC7 - DMA1 Channel7 transfer complete flag. * DMA1_IT_HT7 - DMA1 Channel7 half transfer flag. * DMA1_IT_TE7 - DMA1 Channel7 transfer error flag. * * @return none */ void DMA_ClearITPendingBit(uint32_t DMAy_IT) { DMA1->INTFCR = DMAy_IT; }