initial commit of butchered code, minimum viable for DC32

This commit is contained in:
true 2024-08-07 02:43:20 -07:00
commit 9ecef1ab38
87 changed files with 27586 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

17 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# "Flames"
A GAT (v1.69bis compatible) addon.
Remembering Mismanagement,<br />
Remembering Lives Lost
## Manual
User instructions can be found at trueControl BASIC:
## Building
Firmware is a MounRiver Studio project. You can freely download MounRiver Studio at

firmware/.template Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Mcu Type=CH32V20x
Erase All=true
Description=Website:\nROM(byte): 32K, SRAM(byte): 10K, CHIP PINS: 48, GPIO PORTS: 37.\nWCH CH32V2 series of mainstream MCUs covers the needs of a large variety of applications in the industrial,medical and consumer markets. High performance with first-class peripherals and low-power,low-voltage operation is paired with a high level of integration at accessible prices with a simple architecture and easy-to-use tools.
Target Path=obj/flames_fw.hex

firmware/core/core_riscv.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************
* File Name : core_riscv.c
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.0.1
* Date : 2023/11/11
* Description : RISC-V V4 Core Peripheral Access Layer Source File for CH32V20x
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for
* microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics.
#include <stdint.h>
/* define compiler specific symbols */
#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
#define __ASM __asm /* asm keyword for ARM Compiler */
#define __INLINE __inline /* inline keyword for ARM Compiler */
#elif defined ( __ICCARM__ )
#define __ASM __asm /* asm keyword for IAR Compiler */
#define __INLINE inline /* inline keyword for IAR Compiler. Only avaiable in High optimization mode */
#elif defined ( __GNUC__ )
#define __ASM __asm /* asm keyword for GNU Compiler */
#define __INLINE inline /* inline keyword for GNU Compiler */
#elif defined ( __TASKING__ )
#define __ASM __asm /* asm keyword for TASKING Compiler */
#define __INLINE inline /* inline keyword for TASKING Compiler */
* @fn __get_MSTATUS
* @brief Return the Machine Status Register
* @return mstatus value
uint32_t __get_MSTATUS(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "mstatus" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __set_MSTATUS
* @brief Set the Machine Status Register
* @param value - set mstatus value
* @return none
void __set_MSTATUS(uint32_t value)
__ASM volatile ("csrw mstatus, %0" : : "r" (value) );
* @fn __get_MISA
* @brief Return the Machine ISA Register
* @return misa value
uint32_t __get_MISA(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "misa" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __set_MISA
* @brief Set the Machine ISA Register
* @param value - set misa value
* @return none
void __set_MISA(uint32_t value)
__ASM volatile ("csrw misa, %0" : : "r" (value) );
* @fn __get_MTVEC
* @brief Return the Machine Trap-Vector Base-Address Register
* @return mtvec value
uint32_t __get_MTVEC(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "mtvec" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __set_MTVEC
* @brief Set the Machine Trap-Vector Base-Address Register
* @param value - set mtvec value
* @return none
void __set_MTVEC(uint32_t value)
__ASM volatile ("csrw mtvec, %0" : : "r" (value) );
* @fn __get_MSCRATCH
* @brief Return the Machine Seratch Register
* @return mscratch value
uint32_t __get_MSCRATCH(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "mscratch" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __set_MSCRATCH
* @brief Set the Machine Seratch Register
* @param value - set mscratch value
* @return none
void __set_MSCRATCH(uint32_t value)
__ASM volatile ("csrw mscratch, %0" : : "r" (value) );
* @fn __get_MEPC
* @brief Return the Machine Exception Program Register
* @return mepc value
uint32_t __get_MEPC(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "mepc" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __set_MEPC
* @brief Set the Machine Exception Program Register
* @return mepc value
void __set_MEPC(uint32_t value)
__ASM volatile ("csrw mepc, %0" : : "r" (value) );
* @fn __get_MCAUSE
* @brief Return the Machine Cause Register
* @return mcause value
uint32_t __get_MCAUSE(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "mcause" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __set_MEPC
* @brief Set the Machine Cause Register
* @return mcause value
void __set_MCAUSE(uint32_t value)
__ASM volatile ("csrw mcause, %0" : : "r" (value) );
* @fn __get_MTVAL
* @brief Return the Machine Trap Value Register
* @return mtval value
uint32_t __get_MTVAL(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "mtval" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __set_MTVAL
* @brief Set the Machine Trap Value Register
* @return mtval value
void __set_MTVAL(uint32_t value)
__ASM volatile ("csrw mtval, %0" : : "r" (value) );
* @fn __get_MVENDORID
* @brief Return Vendor ID Register
* @return mvendorid value
uint32_t __get_MVENDORID(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "mvendorid" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __get_MARCHID
* @brief Return Machine Architecture ID Register
* @return marchid value
uint32_t __get_MARCHID(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "marchid" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __get_MIMPID
* @brief Return Machine Implementation ID Register
* @return mimpid value
uint32_t __get_MIMPID(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "mimpid" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __get_MHARTID
* @brief Return Hart ID Register
* @return mhartid value
uint32_t __get_MHARTID(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "csrr %0," "mhartid" : "=r" (result) );
return (result);
* @fn __get_SP
* @brief Return SP Register
* @return SP value
uint32_t __get_SP(void)
uint32_t result;
__ASM volatile ( "mv %0," "sp" : "=r"(result) : );
return (result);

firmware/core/core_riscv.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************
* File Name : core_riscv.h
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.0.1
* Date : 2023/11/11
* Description : RISC-V V4 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File for CH32V20x
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for
* microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics.
#ifndef __CORE_RISCV_H__
#define __CORE_RISCV_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* IO definitions */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define __I volatile /* defines 'read only' permissions */
#define __I volatile const /* defines 'read only' permissions */
#define __O volatile /* defines 'write only' permissions */
#define __IO volatile /* defines 'read / write' permissions */
/* Standard Peripheral Library old types (maintained for legacy purpose) */
typedef __I uint64_t vuc64; /* Read Only */
typedef __I uint32_t vuc32; /* Read Only */
typedef __I uint16_t vuc16; /* Read Only */
typedef __I uint8_t vuc8; /* Read Only */
typedef const uint64_t uc64; /* Read Only */
typedef const uint32_t uc32; /* Read Only */
typedef const uint16_t uc16; /* Read Only */
typedef const uint8_t uc8; /* Read Only */
typedef __I int64_t vsc64; /* Read Only */
typedef __I int32_t vsc32; /* Read Only */
typedef __I int16_t vsc16; /* Read Only */
typedef __I int8_t vsc8; /* Read Only */
typedef const int64_t sc64; /* Read Only */
typedef const int32_t sc32; /* Read Only */
typedef const int16_t sc16; /* Read Only */
typedef const int8_t sc8; /* Read Only */
typedef __IO uint64_t vu64;
typedef __IO uint32_t vu32;
typedef __IO uint16_t vu16;
typedef __IO uint8_t vu8;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef __IO int64_t vs64;
typedef __IO int32_t vs32;
typedef __IO int16_t vs16;
typedef __IO int8_t vs8;
typedef int64_t s64;
typedef int32_t s32;
typedef int16_t s16;
typedef int8_t s8;
typedef enum {NoREADY = 0, READY = !NoREADY} ErrorStatus;
typedef enum {DISABLE = 0, ENABLE = !DISABLE} FunctionalState;
typedef enum {RESET = 0, SET = !RESET} FlagStatus, ITStatus;
#define RV_STATIC_INLINE static inline
/* memory mapped structure for Program Fast Interrupt Controller (PFIC) */
typedef struct{
__I uint32_t ISR[8];
__I uint32_t IPR[8];
__IO uint32_t ITHRESDR;
__IO uint32_t RESERVED;
__IO uint32_t CFGR;
__I uint32_t GISR;
__IO uint8_t VTFIDR[4];
uint8_t RESERVED0[12];
__IO uint32_t VTFADDR[4];
uint8_t RESERVED1[0x90];
__O uint32_t IENR[8];
uint8_t RESERVED2[0x60];
__O uint32_t IRER[8];
uint8_t RESERVED3[0x60];
__O uint32_t IPSR[8];
uint8_t RESERVED4[0x60];
__O uint32_t IPRR[8];
uint8_t RESERVED5[0x60];
__IO uint32_t IACTR[8];
uint8_t RESERVED6[0xE0];
__IO uint8_t IPRIOR[256];
uint8_t RESERVED7[0x810];
__IO uint32_t SCTLR;
/* memory mapped structure for SysTick */
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t CTLR;
__IO uint32_t SR;
__IO uint64_t CNT;
__IO uint64_t CMP;
#define PFIC ((PFIC_Type *) 0xE000E000 )
#define NVIC PFIC
#define NVIC_KEY1 ((uint32_t)0xFA050000)
#define NVIC_KEY2 ((uint32_t)0xBCAF0000)
#define NVIC_KEY3 ((uint32_t)0xBEEF0000)
#define SysTick ((SysTick_Type *) 0xE000F000)
* @fn __enable_irq
* @brief Enable Global Interrupt
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void __enable_irq()
__asm volatile ("csrs 0x800, %0" : : "r" (0x88) );
* @fn __disable_irq
* @brief Disable Global Interrupt
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void __disable_irq()
__asm volatile ("csrc 0x800, %0" : : "r" (0x88) );
* @fn __NOP
* @brief nop
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void __NOP()
__asm volatile ("nop");
* @fn NVIC_EnableIRQ
* @brief Enable Interrupt
* @param IRQn - Interrupt Numbers
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
NVIC->IENR[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F));
* @fn NVIC_DisableIRQ
* @brief Disable Interrupt
* @param IRQn - Interrupt Numbers
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_DisableIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
NVIC->IRER[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F));
* @fn NVIC_GetStatusIRQ
* @brief Get Interrupt Enable State
* @param IRQn - Interrupt Numbers
* @return 1 - Interrupt Pending Enable
* 0 - Interrupt Pending Disable
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetStatusIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
return((uint32_t) ((NVIC->ISR[(uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5] & (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)))?1:0));
* @fn NVIC_GetPendingIRQ
* @brief Get Interrupt Pending State
* @param IRQn - Interrupt Numbers
* @return 1 - Interrupt Pending Enable
* 0 - Interrupt Pending Disable
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
return((uint32_t) ((NVIC->IPR[(uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5] & (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)))?1:0));
* @fn NVIC_SetPendingIRQ
* @brief Set Interrupt Pending
* @param IRQn - Interrupt Numbers
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
NVIC->IPSR[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F));
* @fn NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ
* @brief Clear Interrupt Pending
* @param IRQn - Interrupt Numbers
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn)
NVIC->IPRR[((uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5)] = (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F));
* @fn NVIC_GetActive
* @brief Get Interrupt Active State
* @param IRQn - Interrupt Numbers
* @return 1 - Interrupt Active
* 0 - Interrupt No Active
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t NVIC_GetActive(IRQn_Type IRQn)
return((uint32_t)((NVIC->IACTR[(uint32_t)(IRQn) >> 5] & (1 << ((uint32_t)(IRQn) & 0x1F)))?1:0));
* @fn NVIC_SetPriority
* @brief Set Interrupt Priority
* @param IRQn - Interrupt Numbers
* interrupt nesting enable(CSR-0x804 bit1 = 1)
* priority - bit[7] - Preemption Priority
* bit[6:5] - Sub priority
* bit[4:0] - Reserve
* interrupt nesting disable(CSR-0x804 bit1 = 0)
* priority - bit[7:5] - Sub priority
* bit[4:0] - Reserve
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SetPriority(IRQn_Type IRQn, uint8_t priority)
NVIC->IPRIOR[(uint32_t)(IRQn)] = priority;
* @fn __WFI
* @brief Wait for Interrupt
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void __WFI(void)
NVIC->SCTLR &= ~(1<<3); // wfi
asm volatile ("wfi");
* @fn _SEV
* @brief Set Event
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void _SEV(void)
NVIC->SCTLR |= (1<<5);
* @fn _WFE
* @brief Wait for Events
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void _WFE(void)
uint32_t tmp= NVIC->SCTLR;
tmp &= ~(1<<5);
tmp |= (1<<3);
NVIC->SCTLR = tmp;
asm volatile ("wfi");
* @fn __WFE
* @brief Wait for Events
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void __WFE(void)
if(*(vu32*)(0x40023800) & (1<<6))
NVIC->SCTLR |= (1<<5);
* @fn SetVTFIRQ
* @brief Set VTF Interrupt
* @param addr - VTF interrupt service function base address.
* IRQn - Interrupt Numbers
* num - VTF Interrupt Numbers
* NewState - DISABLE or ENABLE
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void SetVTFIRQ(uint32_t addr, IRQn_Type IRQn, uint8_t num, FunctionalState NewState)
if(num > 3) return ;
if (NewState != DISABLE)
NVIC->VTFADDR[num] = ((addr&0xFFFFFFFE)|0x1);
NVIC->VTFADDR[num] = ((addr&0xFFFFFFFE)&(~0x1));
* @fn NVIC_SystemReset
* @brief Initiate a system reset request
* @return none
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SystemReset(void)
NVIC->CFGR = NVIC_KEY3|(1<<7);
* @fn __AMOADD_W
* @brief Atomic Add with 32bit value
* Atomically ADD 32bit value with value in memory using amoadd.d.
* @param addr - Address pointer to data, address need to be 4byte aligned
* value - value to be ADDed
* @return return memory value + add value
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE int32_t __AMOADD_W(volatile int32_t *addr, int32_t value)
int32_t result;
__asm volatile ("amoadd.w %0, %2, %1" : \
"=r"(result), "+A"(*addr) : "r"(value) : "memory");
return *addr;
* @fn __AMOAND_W
* @brief Atomic And with 32bit value
* Atomically AND 32bit value with value in memory using amoand.d.
* @param addr - Address pointer to data, address need to be 4byte aligned
* value - value to be ANDed
* @return return memory value & and value
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE int32_t __AMOAND_W(volatile int32_t *addr, int32_t value)
int32_t result;
__asm volatile ("amoand.w %0, %2, %1" : \
"=r"(result), "+A"(*addr) : "r"(value) : "memory");
return *addr;
* @fn __AMOMAX_W
* @brief Atomic signed MAX with 32bit value
* Atomically signed max compare 32bit value with value in memory using amomax.d.
* @param addr - Address pointer to data, address need to be 4byte aligned
* value - value to be compared
* @return the bigger value
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE int32_t __AMOMAX_W(volatile int32_t *addr, int32_t value)
int32_t result;
__asm volatile ("amomax.w %0, %2, %1" : \
"=r"(result), "+A"(*addr) : "r"(value) : "memory");
return *addr;
* @fn __AMOMAXU_W
* @brief Atomic unsigned MAX with 32bit value
* Atomically unsigned max compare 32bit value with value in memory using amomaxu.d.
* @param addr - Address pointer to data, address need to be 4byte aligned
* value - value to be compared
* @return return the bigger value
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __AMOMAXU_W(volatile uint32_t *addr, uint32_t value)
uint32_t result;
__asm volatile ("amomaxu.w %0, %2, %1" : \
"=r"(result), "+A"(*addr) : "r"(value) : "memory");
return *addr;
* @fn __AMOMIN_W
* @brief Atomic signed MIN with 32bit value
* Atomically signed min compare 32bit value with value in memory using amomin.d.
* @param addr - Address pointer to data, address need to be 4byte aligned
* value - value to be compared
* @return the smaller value
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE int32_t __AMOMIN_W(volatile int32_t *addr, int32_t value)
int32_t result;
__asm volatile ("amomin.w %0, %2, %1" : \
"=r"(result), "+A"(*addr) : "r"(value) : "memory");
return *addr;
* @fn __AMOMINU_W
* @brief Atomic unsigned MIN with 32bit value
* Atomically unsigned min compare 32bit value with value in memory using amominu.d.
* @param addr - Address pointer to data, address need to be 4byte aligned
* value - value to be compared
* @return the smaller value
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __AMOMINU_W(volatile uint32_t *addr, uint32_t value)
uint32_t result;
__asm volatile ("amominu.w %0, %2, %1" : \
"=r"(result), "+A"(*addr) : "r"(value) : "memory");
return *addr;
* @fn __AMOOR_W
* @brief Atomic OR with 32bit value
* Atomically OR 32bit value with value in memory using amoor.d.
* @param addr - Address pointer to data, address need to be 4byte aligned
* value - value to be ORed
* @return return memory value | and value
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE int32_t __AMOOR_W(volatile int32_t *addr, int32_t value)
int32_t result;
__asm volatile ("amoor.w %0, %2, %1" : \
"=r"(result), "+A"(*addr) : "r"(value) : "memory");
return *addr;
* @fn __AMOSWAP_W
* @brief Atomically swap new 32bit value into memory using amoswap.d.
* @param addr - Address pointer to data, address need to be 4byte aligned
* newval - New value to be stored into the address
* @return return the original value in memory
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __AMOSWAP_W(volatile uint32_t *addr, uint32_t newval)
uint32_t result;
__asm volatile ("amoswap.w %0, %2, %1" : \
"=r"(result), "+A"(*addr) : "r"(newval) : "memory");
return result;
* @fn __AMOXOR_W
* @brief Atomic XOR with 32bit value
* Atomically XOR 32bit value with value in memory using amoxor.d.
* @param addr - Address pointer to data, address need to be 4byte aligned
* value - value to be XORed
* @return return memory value ^ and value
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) RV_STATIC_INLINE int32_t __AMOXOR_W(volatile int32_t *addr, int32_t value)
int32_t result;
__asm volatile ("amoxor.w %0, %2, %1" : \
"=r"(result), "+A"(*addr) : "r"(value) : "memory");
return *addr;
/* Core_Exported_Functions */
extern uint32_t __get_MSTATUS(void);
extern void __set_MSTATUS(uint32_t value);
extern uint32_t __get_MISA(void);
extern void __set_MISA(uint32_t value);
extern uint32_t __get_MTVEC(void);
extern void __set_MTVEC(uint32_t value);
extern uint32_t __get_MSCRATCH(void);
extern void __set_MSCRATCH(uint32_t value);
extern uint32_t __get_MEPC(void);
extern void __set_MEPC(uint32_t value);
extern uint32_t __get_MCAUSE(void);
extern void __set_MCAUSE(uint32_t value);
extern uint32_t __get_MTVAL(void);
extern void __set_MTVAL(uint32_t value);
extern uint32_t __get_MVENDORID(void);
extern uint32_t __get_MARCHID(void);
extern uint32_t __get_MIMPID(void);
extern uint32_t __get_MHARTID(void);
extern uint32_t __get_SP(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus

firmware/debug/debug.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************
* File Name : debug.c
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.0.0
* Date : 2021/06/06
* Description : This file contains all the functions prototypes for UART
* Printf , Delay functions.
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for
* microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics.
#include "debug.h"
static uint8_t p_us = 0;
static uint16_t p_ms = 0;
#define DEBUG_DATA0_ADDRESS ((volatile uint32_t*)0xE0000380)
#define DEBUG_DATA1_ADDRESS ((volatile uint32_t*)0xE0000384)
* @fn Delay_Init
* @brief Initializes Delay Funcation.
* @return none
void Delay_Init(void)
p_us = SystemCoreClock / 8000000;
p_ms = (uint16_t)p_us * 1000;
* @fn Delay_Us
* @brief Microsecond Delay Time.
* @param n - Microsecond number.
* @return None
void Delay_Us(uint32_t n)
uint32_t i;
SysTick->SR &= ~(1 << 0);
i = (uint32_t)n * p_us;
SysTick->CMP = i;
SysTick->CTLR |= (1 << 4);
SysTick->CTLR |= (1 << 5) | (1 << 0);
while((SysTick->SR & (1 << 0)) != (1 << 0));
SysTick->CTLR &= ~(1 << 0);
* @fn Delay_Ms
* @brief Millisecond Delay Time.
* @param n - Millisecond number.
* @return None
void Delay_Ms(uint32_t n)
uint32_t i;
SysTick->SR &= ~(1 << 0);
i = (uint32_t)n * p_ms;
SysTick->CMP = i;
SysTick->CTLR |= (1 << 4);
SysTick->CTLR |= (1 << 5) | (1 << 0);
while((SysTick->SR & (1 << 0)) != (1 << 0));
SysTick->CTLR &= ~(1 << 0);
* @fn USART_Printf_Init
* @brief Initializes the USARTx peripheral.
* @param baudrate - USART communication baud rate.
* @return None
void USART_Printf_Init(uint32_t baudrate)
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_9;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USART2, ENABLE);
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_2;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_USART3, ENABLE);
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
USART_InitStructure.USART_BaudRate = baudrate;
USART_InitStructure.USART_WordLength = USART_WordLength_8b;
USART_InitStructure.USART_StopBits = USART_StopBits_1;
USART_InitStructure.USART_Parity = USART_Parity_No;
USART_InitStructure.USART_HardwareFlowControl = USART_HardwareFlowControl_None;
USART_InitStructure.USART_Mode = USART_Mode_Tx;
USART_Init(USART1, &USART_InitStructure);
USART_Init(USART2, &USART_InitStructure);
USART_Init(USART3, &USART_InitStructure);
* @fn SDI_Printf_Enable
* @brief Initializes the SDI printf Function.
* @param None
* @return None
void SDI_Printf_Enable(void)
* @fn _write
* @brief Support Printf Function
* @param *buf - UART send Data.
* size - Data length
* @return size: Data length
int _write(int fd, char *buf, int size)
int i = 0;
int writeSize = size;
* data0 data1 8 byte
* data0 The storage length of the lowest byte, with a maximum of 7 bytes.
while( (*(DEBUG_DATA0_ADDRESS) != 0u))
*(DEBUG_DATA1_ADDRESS) = (*(buf+i+3)) | (*(buf+i+4)<<8) | (*(buf+i+5)<<16) | (*(buf+i+6)<<24);
*(DEBUG_DATA0_ADDRESS) = (7u) | (*(buf+i)<<8) | (*(buf+i+1)<<16) | (*(buf+i+2)<<24);
i += 7;
writeSize -= 7;
*(DEBUG_DATA1_ADDRESS) = (*(buf+i+3)) | (*(buf+i+4)<<8) | (*(buf+i+5)<<16) | (*(buf+i+6)<<24);
*(DEBUG_DATA0_ADDRESS) = (writeSize) | (*(buf+i)<<8) | (*(buf+i+1)<<16) | (*(buf+i+2)<<24);
writeSize = 0;
} while (writeSize);
for(i = 0; i < size; i++){
while(USART_GetFlagStatus(USART1, USART_FLAG_TC) == RESET);
USART_SendData(USART1, *buf++);
while(USART_GetFlagStatus(USART2, USART_FLAG_TC) == RESET);
USART_SendData(USART2, *buf++);
while(USART_GetFlagStatus(USART3, USART_FLAG_TC) == RESET);
USART_SendData(USART3, *buf++);
return size;
* @fn _sbrk
* @brief Change the spatial position of data segment.
* @return size: Data length
void *_sbrk(ptrdiff_t incr)
extern char _end[];
extern char _heap_end[];
static char *curbrk = _end;
if ((curbrk + incr < _end) || (curbrk + incr > _heap_end))
return NULL - 1;
curbrk += incr;
return curbrk - incr;

firmware/debug/debug.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************
* File Name : debug.h
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.0.0
* Date : 2023/10/24
* Description : This file contains all the functions prototypes for UART
* Printf , Delay functions.
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for
* microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics.
#ifndef __DEBUG_H
#define __DEBUG_H
#include "stdio.h"
#include "ch32v20x.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* UART Printf Definition */
#define DEBUG_UART1 1
#define DEBUG_UART2 2
#define DEBUG_UART3 3
/* DEBUG UATR Definition */
#ifndef DEBUG
/* SDI Printf Definition */
#define SDI_PR_CLOSE 0
#define SDI_PR_OPEN 1
#ifndef SDI_PRINT
void Delay_Init(void);
void Delay_Us(uint32_t n);
void Delay_Ms(uint32_t n);
void USART_Printf_Init(uint32_t baudrate);
void SDI_Printf_Enable(void);
#define PRINT(format, ...) printf(format, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define PRINT(X...)
#ifdef __cplusplus

firmware/flames_fw.launch Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
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<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.DEBUG_NAME" value="${eclipse_home}toolchain/RISC-V Embedded GCC/bin/riscv-none-embed-gdb.exe"/>
<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.UPDATE_THREADLIST_ON_SUSPEND" value="false"/>
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<stringAttribute key="process_factory_id" value="org.eclipse.cdt.dsf.gdb.GdbProcessFactory"/>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
¥y8[Åu§5®¥%5ƒ´Ál‰8¹gVZ}9 h¤k0fO»Q¢kF%aE<@µ3œ!­Dki¨lS<1E>W ™6|PKI,…¬#'jz‰Å<13>e”<65>^V).Wq}¿. ¢CM¬@4FJ™F-Œ<>jĤtÀa LSPŽQc«‡€š'XEj*@k‡
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View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
ENTRY( _start ) __stack_size = 1024; PROVIDE( _stack_size = __stack_size ); MEMORY { /* CH32V20x_D6 - CH32V203F6-CH32V203G6-CH32V203K6-CH32V203C6 */ FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 32K - 2K RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 10K /* CH32V20x_D6 - CH32V203K8-CH32V203C8-CH32V203G8-CH32V203F8 */ /* FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 64K RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 20K */ /* CH32V20x_D8 - CH32V203RB CH32V20x_D8W - CH32V208x FLASH + RAM supports the following configuration FLASH-128K + RAM-64K FLASH-144K + RAM-48K FLASH-160K + RAM-32K */ /* FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 160K RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 32K */ } SECTIONS { .init : { _sinit = .; . = ALIGN(4); KEEP(*(SORT_NONE(.init))) . = ALIGN(4); _einit = .; } >FLASH AT>FLASH .vector : { *(.vector); . = ALIGN(64); } >FLASH AT>FLASH .text : { . = ALIGN(4); *(.text) *(.text.*) *(.rodata) *(.rodata*) *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*) . = ALIGN(4); } >FLASH AT>FLASH .fini : { KEEP(*(SORT_NONE(.fini))) . = ALIGN(4); } >FLASH AT>FLASH PROVIDE( _etext = . ); PROVIDE( _eitcm = . ); .preinit_array : { PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .); KEEP (*(.preinit_array)) PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .); } >FLASH AT>FLASH .init_array : { PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .); KEEP (*(SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.init_array.*) SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.ctors.*))) KEEP (*(.init_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors)) PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .); } >FLASH AT>FLASH .fini_array : { PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .); KEEP (*(SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.fini_array.*) SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.dtors.*))) KEEP (*(.fini_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .dtors)) PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .); } >FLASH AT>FLASH .ctors : { /* gcc uses crtbegin.o to find the start of the constructors, so we make sure it is first. Because this is a wildcard, it doesn't matter if the user does not actually link against crtbegin.o; the linker won't look for a file to match a wildcard. The wildcard also means that it doesn't matter which directory crtbegin.o is in. */ KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.ctors)) KEEP (*crtbegin?.o(.ctors)) /* We don't want to include the .ctor section from the crtend.o file until after the sorted ctors. The .ctor section from the crtend file contains the end of ctors marker and it must be last */ KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors)) KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*))) KEEP (*(.ctors)) } >FLASH AT>FLASH .dtors : { KEEP (*crtbegin.o(.dtors)) KEEP (*crtbegin?.o(.dtors)) KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .dtors)) KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*))) KEEP (*(.dtors)) } >FLASH AT>FLASH .dalign : { . = ALIGN(4); PROVIDE(_data_vma = .); } >RAM AT>FLASH .dlalign : { . = ALIGN(4); PROVIDE(_data_lma = .); } >FLASH AT>FLASH .data : { *(.gnu.linkonce.r.*) *(.data .data.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.d.*) . = ALIGN(8); PROVIDE( __global_pointer$ = . + 0x800 ); *(.sdata .sdata.*) *(.sdata2.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.s.*) . = ALIGN(8); *(.srodata.cst16) *(.srodata.cst8) *(.srodata.cst4) *(.srodata.cst2) *(.srodata .srodata.*) . = ALIGN(4); PROVIDE( _edata = .); } >RAM AT>FLASH .bss : { . = ALIGN(4); PROVIDE( _sbss = .); *(.sbss*) *(*) *(.bss*) *(.gnu.linkonce.b.*) *(COMMON*) . = ALIGN(4); PROVIDE( _ebss = .); } >RAM AT>FLASH PROVIDE( _end = _ebss); PROVIDE( end = . ); .stack ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM) - __stack_size : { PROVIDE( _heap_end = . ); . = ALIGN(4); PROVIDE(_susrstack = . ); . = . + __stack_size; PROVIDE( _eusrstack = .); } >RAM }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT *******************************
* File Name : ch32v20x_adc.h
* Author : WCH
* Version : V1.0.0
* Date : 2021/06/06
* Description : This file contains all the functions prototypes for the
* ADC firmware library.
* Copyright (c) 2021 Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
* Attention: This software (modified or not) and binary are used for
* microcontroller manufactured by Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics.
#ifndef __CH32V20x_ADC_H
#define __CH32V20x_ADC_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "ch32v20x.h"
/* ADC Init structure definition */
typedef struct
uint32_t ADC_Mode; /* Configures the ADC to operate in independent or
dual mode.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_mode */
FunctionalState ADC_ScanConvMode; /* Specifies whether the conversion is performed in
Scan (multichannels) or Single (one channel) mode.
This parameter can be set to ENABLE or DISABLE */
FunctionalState ADC_ContinuousConvMode; /* Specifies whether the conversion is performed in
Continuous or Single mode.
This parameter can be set to ENABLE or DISABLE. */
uint32_t ADC_ExternalTrigConv; /* Defines the external trigger used to start the analog
to digital conversion of regular channels. This parameter
can be a value of @ref ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion */
uint32_t ADC_DataAlign; /* Specifies whether the ADC data alignment is left or right.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_data_align */
uint8_t ADC_NbrOfChannel; /* Specifies the number of ADC channels that will be converted
using the sequencer for regular channel group.
This parameter must range from 1 to 16. */
uint32_t ADC_OutputBuffer; /* Specifies whether the ADC channel output buffer is enabled or disabled.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_OutputBuffer */
uint32_t ADC_Pga; /* Specifies the PGA gain multiple.
This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_Pga */
} ADC_InitTypeDef;
/* ADC_mode */
#define ADC_Mode_Independent ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
#define ADC_Mode_RegInjecSimult ((uint32_t)0x00010000)
#define ADC_Mode_RegSimult_AlterTrig ((uint32_t)0x00020000)
#define ADC_Mode_InjecSimult_FastInterl ((uint32_t)0x00030000)
#define ADC_Mode_InjecSimult_SlowInterl ((uint32_t)0x00040000)
#define ADC_Mode_InjecSimult ((uint32_t)0x00050000)
#define ADC_Mode_RegSimult ((uint32_t)0x00060000)
#define ADC_Mode_FastInterl ((uint32_t)0x00070000)
#define ADC_Mode_SlowInterl ((uint32_t)0x00080000)
#define ADC_Mode_AlterTrig ((uint32_t)0x00090000)
/* ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_regular_channels_conversion */
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T1_CC1 ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T1_CC2 ((uint32_t)0x00020000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T2_CC2 ((uint32_t)0x00060000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T3_TRGO ((uint32_t)0x00080000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T4_CC4 ((uint32_t)0x000A0000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_Ext_IT11_TIM8_TRGO ((uint32_t)0x000C0000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T1_CC3 ((uint32_t)0x00040000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_None ((uint32_t)0x000E0000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T3_CC1 ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T2_CC3 ((uint32_t)0x00020000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T8_CC1 ((uint32_t)0x00060000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T8_TRGO ((uint32_t)0x00080000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T5_CC1 ((uint32_t)0x000A0000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T5_CC3 ((uint32_t)0x000C0000)
/* ADC_data_align */
#define ADC_DataAlign_Right ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
#define ADC_DataAlign_Left ((uint32_t)0x00000800)
/* ADC_channels */
#define ADC_Channel_0 ((uint8_t)0x00)
#define ADC_Channel_1 ((uint8_t)0x01)
#define ADC_Channel_2 ((uint8_t)0x02)
#define ADC_Channel_3 ((uint8_t)0x03)
#define ADC_Channel_4 ((uint8_t)0x04)
#define ADC_Channel_5 ((uint8_t)0x05)
#define ADC_Channel_6 ((uint8_t)0x06)
#define ADC_Channel_7 ((uint8_t)0x07)
#define ADC_Channel_8 ((uint8_t)0x08)
#define ADC_Channel_9 ((uint8_t)0x09)
#define ADC_Channel_10 ((uint8_t)0x0A)
#define ADC_Channel_11 ((uint8_t)0x0B)
#define ADC_Channel_12 ((uint8_t)0x0C)
#define ADC_Channel_13 ((uint8_t)0x0D)
#define ADC_Channel_14 ((uint8_t)0x0E)
#define ADC_Channel_15 ((uint8_t)0x0F)
#define ADC_Channel_16 ((uint8_t)0x10)
#define ADC_Channel_17 ((uint8_t)0x11)
#define ADC_Channel_TempSensor ((uint8_t)ADC_Channel_16)
#define ADC_Channel_Vrefint ((uint8_t)ADC_Channel_17)
#define ADC_OutputBuffer_Enable ((uint32_t)0x04000000)
#define ADC_OutputBuffer_Disable ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
#define ADC_Pga_1 ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
#define ADC_Pga_4 ((uint32_t)0x08000000)
#define ADC_Pga_16 ((uint32_t)0x10000000)
#define ADC_Pga_64 ((uint32_t)0x18000000)
/* ADC_sampling_time */
#define ADC_SampleTime_1Cycles5 ((uint8_t)0x00)
#define ADC_SampleTime_7Cycles5 ((uint8_t)0x01)
#define ADC_SampleTime_13Cycles5 ((uint8_t)0x02)
#define ADC_SampleTime_28Cycles5 ((uint8_t)0x03)
#define ADC_SampleTime_41Cycles5 ((uint8_t)0x04)
#define ADC_SampleTime_55Cycles5 ((uint8_t)0x05)
#define ADC_SampleTime_71Cycles5 ((uint8_t)0x06)
#define ADC_SampleTime_239Cycles5 ((uint8_t)0x07)
/* ADC_external_trigger_sources_for_injected_channels_conversion */
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T2_TRGO ((uint32_t)0x00002000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T2_CC1 ((uint32_t)0x00003000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T3_CC4 ((uint32_t)0x00004000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_TRGO ((uint32_t)0x00005000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_Ext_IT15_TIM8_CC4 ((uint32_t)0x00006000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T1_TRGO ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T1_CC4 ((uint32_t)0x00001000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_None ((uint32_t)0x00007000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_CC3 ((uint32_t)0x00002000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T8_CC2 ((uint32_t)0x00003000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T8_CC4 ((uint32_t)0x00004000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T5_TRGO ((uint32_t)0x00005000)
#define ADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T5_CC4 ((uint32_t)0x00006000)
/* ADC_injected_channel_selection */
#define ADC_InjectedChannel_1 ((uint8_t)0x14)
#define ADC_InjectedChannel_2 ((uint8_t)0x18)
#define ADC_InjectedChannel_3 ((uint8_t)0x1C)
#define ADC_InjectedChannel_4 ((uint8_t)0x20)
/* ADC_analog_watchdog_selection */
#define ADC_AnalogWatchdog_SingleRegEnable ((uint32_t)0x00800200)
#define ADC_AnalogWatchdog_SingleInjecEnable ((uint32_t)0x00400200)
#define ADC_AnalogWatchdog_SingleRegOrInjecEnable ((uint32_t)0x00C00200)
#define ADC_AnalogWatchdog_AllRegEnable ((uint32_t)0x00800000)
#define ADC_AnalogWatchdog_AllInjecEnable ((uint32_t)0x00400000)
#define ADC_AnalogWatchdog_AllRegAllInjecEnable ((uint32_t)0x00C00000)
#define ADC_AnalogWatchdog_None ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
/* ADC_interrupts_definition */
#define ADC_IT_EOC ((uint16_t)0x0220)
#define ADC_IT_AWD ((uint16_t)0x0140)
#define ADC_IT_JEOC ((uint16_t)0x0480)
/* ADC_flags_definition */
#define ADC_FLAG_AWD ((uint8_t)0x01)